Our Service Offerings

Our full project life cycle service offerings

We offer a range of services to support our clients from the pre-contract phases and start-up that includes claims consulting, expert witness, contract management, contract review, audit and training.


Contract review

Identification of key risks and onerous provisions together with proposed amendments to address the balance of risk within the contract

Contract briefing

A briefing document or reference guide that identifies key provisions, processes and risks for those responsible for administration of the contract

Tender documents and evaluation

Preparation of contracts and bid documents, management of tender process, evaluation of bids and recommendation for award

Cost Planning

A cost plan can be used to assist clients in determining the feasibility of a project through benchmarking cost data and identifying risks and value engineering opportunities. Moving beyond feasibility and initial design, a cost plan can be used as a means of managing the cost of a project, a reference point that guides design development and influences change to provide predictability of the outcome.


Contract administration

Carrying out the administration of the contract to establish and maintain compliance with the processes and provisions in order to ensure obligations are fulfilled and commercial interests protected

Contract management

Management of all aspects of the contract during execution to bring about a disciplined approach to contractual compliance in order to deliver a predictable outcome

Claims consulting

Proactive identification and preparation of claims, providing strategic and tactical advice so that contractual entitlements are maintained and claims are given effect or counter claims are defended

Independent Assessment

Undertaking third-party independent assessments of claims, providing advice on the merits and quantum of a clients’ current and potential claims


Final Account

Review of the contract provisions against claims, variations and counter claims raised throughout the execution phase to arrive at a proposed final account or negotiation margin

Contract review

Look-back and report on performance of the contract against targets, compliance with the provisions and processes within the contract, identification of best practice and recommendations for improvement

Advisory Services

Commercial & Risk management

Providing advice throughout the project life cycle from contract strategy and selection, procurement route, risk management, contract administration, project performance reporting, ensuring commercial interests are identified and protected


Identifying the need for and terms of reference of audits to determine levels of compliance with internal governance procedures, contractual procedures and probity of procurement and selections processes. Conducting financial audits in cost reimbursable contract types to ensure ongoing compliance with the provisions of the contract


Converting a contract brief into the delivery of training or information sessions to help participants familiarise themselves with the processes in the contract, as well as best practices in the administration of contracts

Expert witness

Providing independent, clear and reliable advice in the form of expert reports and opinion on matters of quantum and delay to support the resolution of claims and formal dispute proceedings